Range Rules
- Always consider and handle any firearm as though it is loaded and ready to fire.
- Any firearm brought into the building must be unloaded. If the firearm is not in a case or other container, the action or cylinder must be open. However, concealed carry is permitted if you are entitled to carry a concealed handgun under Oregon or federal law, and loaded open holster carry is permitted if you are a law enforcement officer openly displaying your department/agency badge.
- Whenever a firearm is uncased, keep the muzzle pointed down range at all times.
- Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
- Eye and ear protection is required for any person in the firing area (inside the double doors), whether shooting or not.
- Handguns and 22-caliber rim fire rifles may be used, but no center fire rifles or rifle caliber handguns.
- No steel jacket, steel core, magnum (example, .17 HMR), hyper-velocity (i.e. 1400 or greater feet per second) or black powder ammunition is allowed.
- Before you shoot, be sure of your target and what is near and beyond your target. Shoot only at the paper or cardboard target directly downrange from your shooting station and nothing else.
- You must fully extend the target to the backstop before shooting.
- Firearms are to be loaded only at the firing station just before shooting.
- No more than two persons may be at a firing station at any time.
- No rapid fire is permitted; you must allow at least one second between shots.
- No “firing from the hip,” holster draws, or firing of a rifle without the butt of the stock against your shoulder. Any shooting must have your eye aligned with the firearm sight(s) and the sight(s) aligned with the intended target.
- After shooting, targets are retractable to your firing station. There is no reason to go down range.
- Any minor child under 18 years of age in the firing area must be under the direct visual supervision of a responsible member 18 years of age or older. The responsible member is not allowed to shoot while the child is shooting. Only a minor child who will shoot is allowed in the firing area.
- Do not enter the building if your physical or mental ability is impaired by alcohol or over-the-counter, prescription or other drugs.
- The NRA recommends that pregnant women and children under age 7 follow their physician’s guidance concerning presence on the range.
- No food, drink or smoking is allowed in the firing area.
- Do no unnecessary talking in the firing area; be courteous to others in the firing area.
- After shooting, clean up your shooting station and remove all targets, spent cartridge casings and other debris. Do not go down range of the yellow chain.
- No firearm shall be left unattended unless it is unloaded and cased or, if not cased, has the action or cylinder open.
- After leaving the firing area, thoroughly wash your hands and face before eating or drinking.
- Report to the Club any unsafe conditions you observe.

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For any other question concerning Range Rules or general questions, please see our FAQ's page or contact us at the phone number or email below.